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Aki Ross, Dr. Show Images
The protagonist of the movie is a strong-willed scientist entirely devoted to saving the human race from the Phantoms overrunning the planet. Her research led her to be infected with a Phantom particle, but she managed to contain it by using the wave patterns of the Spirits. Her search for the other Spirits are not just to save the world, but also her life - the Phantom keeps getting stronger and the Spirits are required to keep it where it is. Aki is dearly close to her mentor, Professor Sid, and finds herself strangely drawn to Captain Gray of the Deep Eyes.

Elliott, Major Show Images
General Hein's right-hand man. His family was also killed by the Phantoms, and he follows Hein despite his misgivings, because Hein seems to have the only plan which might possibly work. His loyalties are profoundly misplaced.

Gray Edwards Show Images
Captain of the Deep Eyes military squad. A no-nonsense man who never believed in any of the spiritual mumbo-jumbo conjured up by Aki and Sid, but finds himself eventually going along with them, partly because of his observations, and partly because of his feelings for Aki. Eventually these feelings become so strong that he finds himself willing to sacrifice everything for a belief he never used to have.

Hein, General Show Images
The rigours of long military life and the loss of his wife and daughter to the Phantoms has galvanized Hein into a monomaniacal warlord intent on destroying the Phantoms at whatever cost might come. His power goes to his head soon enough, and he begins to believe that he's some kind of messiah, and that nothing he can do goes wrong. He finds out his mistake when a "demonstration" of the Phantoms' power ends up destroying the entire New York Barrier City. He does feel intense remorse, but true to his nature, decides that action and destroying the Phantoms is a better penance. He completely shuts out anything Aki and Sid say to him, dismissing Aki as a traitor because of the Phantom inside her (whether he actually believes that or is only using it as an excuse is never quite shown). Brute force is the only method he understands.

Jane Proudfoot Show Images
A tough gal working for Gray in the Deep Eyes, and apparently a munitions expert.

Neil Fleming Show Images
A smart-mouthed, high-pitched wisecracker; the technical guy in the Deep Eyes military squad led by Gray. He's a whiz with machinery of all kinds; his prowess extends from electronic repairs to piloting complex vehicles. His whininess belays his competence in a pinch.

Ryan Whittaker Show Images
Can anyone say Barret? Or Mr. T? Ryan actually seems to be the gentlest member of Gray's Deep Eyes squad, and the one who seems to understand Aki and Sid the most. His courage is unfaltering even in the worst of circumstances.

Sid, Professor Show Images
The man who made bio-etheric energy possible, and then made it his goal in life, Sid is a gentle man dedicated to getting rid of the Phantoms with the minimal possible damage to the Earth itself. He has a great fondness for his assistant Aki, and a respect for the pain she goes through. He is deeply insightful into many things in life, and is seldom wrong. When he is, though, he admits it genially without a shred of ego.