new / adj. 1. Arrived, made, discovered, acquired, experienced recently or now for the first time. 2a. Renewed; reformed. b. Reinvigorated. 3. Different from a recent previous one. 4. Unfamiliar; strange. 5. Modern; newfangled; advanced. [OE]
Recent Updates
January 23, 2004 - Update by PanamaJack
- I have slain the mighty "backlog beast", and now updates should come more regularily.
- Special thanks to Roberto Lisboa for helping to beef up and refine the Jobs section of the site.
- Mike Robinson has kindly fished up some new FFX art for us.
- Miyamashi sent in a few screenshots for FF5 Famous Moments.
January 2nd, 2004 - Update by PanamaJack
- PanamaJack here, and this is the first part of a fairly large update; the second half being a large job section addition and an image upload, which should be
sometime within the week sometime this month (honest).
- Just a reminder that you should no longer be sending site contributions to Cid, and should just toss them my way at The only exception to this is Name Origins information, which should go to Rogue Paladin Trian at
- N-D has sent in the FF8 Retaliation Midi! Check it out!
- Got quite the bonanza of new Crossovers for you guys. Thanks to all the contributors!
- Michael Robinson sent in some FFU name changes. You can find them in the Final Fantasy Unlimited Notes section.
- Mike also filled in some gaps concerning FFX voice actors.
December 9, 2003 - Update by Cidolfas
- The new staff has been chosen! I'd like to welcome the following people to the FFCompendium:
- PanamaJack is now in charge of Maintenance.
- Wilfredo Martinez is the new New Content editor.
- RoguePaladinTrian is now in charge of Name Origins.
- There will probably be some hiccups while we figure out who's doing what and how, and updates may be a bit delayed for the next little while, but hopefully we can get the ball rolling quickly. 8-) I'll still be around as master overseer, so don't worry about the quality of the site diminishing in the least!
November 15, 2003 - Update by Cidolfas
- The FFTA update is finally done! Go and revel in all its glory. 8-) Over 330 pictures were added to the site!
- As part of the update, I've completely redone the Jobs page. Please tell me what you think of it in the new poll. If it's popular, I'd like to extend it to the rest of the site (monsters, summons, species, and characters, and maybe some miscellaneous). The bad thing is that you can no longer skim all the text at once; the good thing is that each entry has its own page, so I can cram in all kinds of information that looked too long-winded in the old format.
- Forgot to mention that FFU has been released in English by ADV. Unfortunately I don't think I'm ever going to get around to getting it (I'm not really an anime fan and wouldn't even know where to begin looking). If someone wants to send me in any glaring differences between what I have up and the official version, I'll change it.
- FFX-2 is coming out in the US in three days! Rather than wait, I put it on the release info page now. Don't tell nobody. ;-)
- Wilfredo Martinez has sent in some really nitpicky corrections to the FF7 story. See if you can catch them all. 8p
- Ryan H and A.L. sent in new Famous Moments. It also looks like I've lost five of my previous Famous Moment pics. ;_; If anyone happens by some unbelievable chance to have another copy or can take another pic of them, I'd appreciate it. ^^;
- New Name Origins, crossovers, yadda yadda.
- Continuing the (so far unsuccessful) advertising campaign of last month, I'm now opening up advertising for anyone who wants to do so, provided they meet certain criteria. At the moment, ads will cost $10 a month and are limited to GIF or JPG files. Please click here for more information.
- Unfortunately, it looks like real life has finally caught up with me. I simply don't have the time to continue taking care of the site the way I currently am. In particular, there's absolutely no way I'm going to be able to do updates for FFXI, FFX-2, and FFCC within the short amount of time they're released. I've been working on the FFTA update almost constantly since the game was released. -_- To that end, I'm going to have to "hire" some people to work with me on the FFC. I'm taking applications here [link removed]. There are two or more positions open (and no, as of now there's no pay. I'm not getting paid, there's no way you're gonna be. 8p) If you know a lot about the FF series and have the time to consistently help out the site, this is your chance!
November 3, 2003 - Update by Cidolfas
- The FFTA update is coming along nicely, please be patient...
- FFXI is out, yay!
- I just wanted to make a note of the new advertising banner you'll see at the top. I was actually contacted by the nice folks at MPS asking to advertise on the FFC. Once I made sure that it was a plain GIF animation (no popups etc.) I said sure. 8-) So instead of a link begging for you to donate, you can just check out the site linked there. I only get any money from subscriptions, not click-throughs, so don't worry about clicking the site unless you're interested in it (which, if you play FFXI, you should be). 8-)
October 12, 2003
- Still plugging away at FFTA. Be patient, please! I'm also thinking about reworking the Jobs and Monster pages... should be up in the next update. Keep your eyes peeled. 8-)
- I'm told the official English dub of FFU is coming out sometime this month. I'll try to get my hands on a copy; if I can't, I'll let you know and I'll beg for details. 8p But don't send in any info unless I ask, please! ^^;
- I usually don't do stuff like this, but the Reviews Editor of Electronic Gaming Monthly Magazine sent me a very nice mass e-mail asking me to, so I figured what the heck. 8p To whit, this is a plug of the November issue of EGM (my favorite print magazine, btw). Some of you may have seen the Limited Edition Final Fantasy X cover of EGM two years ago, commissioned from Yoshitaka Amano, the official FF illustrator. It was a big success, and EGM's doing it again this coming November, in what it's billing as a "Final Fantasy Everything" issue, covering all those sweet new FF deals you've been hearing about. You can only get a copy of the exclusive Limited Edition cover in newsstands/bookstores, and about 8% of the overall print run is being given the cover, so you should have a decent chance at getting it. Definitely something to look out for if you're an FF fan! 8-)
- Carlos Eduardo Gesser sent in two new FF6 Famous Moments, yay!
- Hiryuu from RPGClassics sent a new retranslation of the FF3.5 page.
- New fanfics and Name Origins, natch!
September 13, 2003
- FF Tactics Advance has been released in the US! I have access to it, and I'm playing through it and snapping pictures. However, reduced free time plus the rather BIG length of the game means it might be a while until the information and pictures can be added to the site. Please be patient in the meantime and DO NOT send me any FFTA information or images until that time.
- I've had to do some pruning of the links page... quite a few of them were no longer showing up. The links should all work now. Remember to contact me if they don't!
- I've also redone all the MIDIs so they play fine in Quicktime now. The reason they were screwing up is that I edited them so they'd make a good playlist in Winamp. I've now included both the old MIDIs in a zip file, and the new ones, in the Music Database section.
- I've been remiss in updating the Music Database, so voila! Four new OSTs, seven new arranged CDs, and two new singles for you to check out. Thanks goes to Lord Skylark for providing the tracklists.
- Cain Highwind sent me the FF Anthology pics of Cloud, Squall, Sephiroth, and the OnionKid. They're in In-Crossovers.
- Mitchell sent me a pic of the Jumbo Cactuar from FF8, now on the enemies entry for Cactuar.
- Hiryuu from RPGClassics sent me in a Famous Moment pic from FF6, as well as the address of a site with a bunch of Yoshitaka Amano art pics of FF7 characters.
- Like usual, lots of Name Origins and crossovers. 8-)
August 19, 2003
- Say hello to the brand-new high-res layout! Save your thanks for the tireless Mike Iantorno, aka PanamaJack, who created it with a minimum of input from me. Do the new poll and lemme know what you think!
- I finally got around to changing the FF1 names to the PSX versions. Go me!
- A whole crapload of new Name Origins (been a while since we had this many).
- Lots of new fanfics, thanks Weiila!
- Hiryuu sent in some intriguing information regarding a game I'm going to call Final Fantasy 3.5. Check Release Info for more details! He also gave me some missing and additional items on that page.
- Speaking of which, FF Crystal Chronicles has been released in Japan! I also decided to redo the legend a bit and stick it at the bottom since it was getting too unwieldy.
- Michael Robinson, aside from a slough of Name Origins, also sent in new pictures of Kingdom Hearts FF characters as well as FFX character art! The KH art comes originally from the Ultimania book and secondarily from The FFX art comes from!
- Mush Mordan sent in a new in-series crossover regarding the save screen in FF Anthology. If anyone has screenshots of it, please let me know!
July 27, 2003
- OK, here's the minor update... a much more major one will hopefully be taking place in a little while. 8-)
- OK! New Name Origins, fanfics, crossovers... the usual suspects.
- New airship pictures from FF9 (and one of the Adamantoise). I got them from this site, but I couldn't find any contact info. I posted them anyway; I'm assuming unless I hear something from the owner that he/she doesn't mind if I put them here. ^^; Thanks goes to G-sus for sending me the link.
- SpecialPhil has noted that the person in the background of the FF1 logo (in the In-Series Crossover page) is actually Garland, not a miscellaneous knight.
- The poll's been taken down, simply because I can't think of anything to put in it right now. You can still view old results, but there aren't many of them due to all the server crashes. -_-.
July 21, 2003
- Sorry about this... the server's gone down AGAIN. Merlin from RPGClassics has uploaded an older version of the site (from April 29th), and I'll try to get the newer version back up sometime tomorrow if everything goes well. I apologize for the inconvenience. *kicks Grendel, RPGC's server*
June 19, 2003
- Well, looks like, as usual, the polls tell me I have to do more work. -_- I'll get around to changing the FF1 names to the PSX ones, but not for this update. Hopefully I'll have it done for the next one.
- More Name Origins and fanfics, natch.
- baby-t has sent me pics of all of Lulu's dolls from FFX! They're in the In-Series Crossover page.
- Kawaii Ryukishi corrected me in that the subject of the new logo of FF2 is actually of Paramekia, not Hilda. (That's in the In-Series Crossover page.)
- A few other bits and pieces around the place, nothing major.
May 22, 2003
- Ooh, slightly early update this time! The main thing that's been done is that I've added/changed all the info necessary for the PlayStation versions of FF and FF2. Big thanks goes to Cain Highwind for sending me nearly all the info, pics, and artwork I needed! Also thanks goes to Valour's FAQ at GameFAQs for some other name differences, and Dalton of Zeal for further differences in FF2 names. Note that because these names appear all over the place, I didn't mark them NEW! every time.
- Now... while I've changed the official FF2 names to the new ones, I've left the FF1 names as is (I added references in specific pages, but when mentioned throughout the site, the NES ones are used). Why? Well, there's now technically *two* official translations. Not only is it less work for me, but I feel that most people are used to the NES names. The new poll asks about that. As for the old one, I shoulda figured people would choose the option that made me work harder. 8p
- New fanfics, new Name Origins, and a new pic of the Link crossover in FF1 PSX.
Apr. 29, 2003
- OK, we're back!
- New name origins. I'm wondering if I should just make this a given and stop mentioning it. 8p
- On the advice of a longtime reader, I've decided to mark the new updates with a icon. Makes it a lot easier to find. 8-) I won't be doing that to every page (e.g. the site index, or the "all characters" page as well as the specific game characters page) but it'll be there.
- FF Origins has been released in English! I'm already working on getting the name changes and new artwork/FMVs from a friend. Hopefully you'll see them in the next update!
- Weiila's given me a slew of new fanfics, as usual. 8-)
- Velari Lockheart has sent me a much better pic of Aerith from Kingdom Hearts to replace the one I had. (The pic is originally from GameForms.
- Changed the link on the FAQ page to point to RPGClassics' FFX FAQ page rather than GameFAQs. The shrine in progress is listed there as well.
- New poll... actually the first one, since the others were lost. -_- Oh well, life goes on.
Apr. 27, 2003
- Sorry about this folks... The server that we're stored on (which is shared by RPGClassics) was hit by a particularly nasty worm virus that forced us to reformat everything. Thankfully, everything was backed up (phew!). It took a while to get back up, though (56K connection + 60 MB of files = LONG WAIT). The only thing we really lost was the results for the polls (no biggie there). That said, I had to work so long on this that I just did not have time to make a real update. I promise it'll come within the next few days (not later than mid-March). Thanks for your patience!
Mar. 26, 2003
- Forgot that FF Tactics Advance had been released for the GBA in Japan last month. ^^; Sorry about that.
Mar. 24, 2003
- We're back. ^^; Time's up!
- FFX-2 has been released in Japan! It's Final Fantasy's first direct sequel. Looking forward to it coming to the west! 8-)
- New FF4 and FF9 Famous Moments sent in by Grant and David Robinson.
- New fanfics from Weiila (as usual).
- New Name Origins (more than usual, even).
- A few minor crossovers, both internal and external.
- A new link, to a cool FF-based card game, FFCCG.
- New poll, as usual lately.
- Michael Robinson sent in a few updates/additions to the voice actor list for FFX.
Feb. 23, 2003
- Yes, I know, these are starting to become monthly updates. I tend to let them accumulate that long so I have something substantial to update. ^^;
- First off, we have a new affiliate! There's a celebration. 8-) It doesn't happen often. If you're into the "real" roleplaying, check out the FF MUX!
- Another new link (fairly rare as well) to
- As usual, new name origins and crossovers, and a bunch of new fanfics (it's getting nuts!). I also changed the fanfic format: alphabetizing by author, and dividing it into three separate pages; it was getting way too large.
- A bunch of new dungeon maps were created for the FF3 Shrine.
- Xelopheris aka Leimrey sent in face pics for all the FFX characters and summons. Neat!
- iamamoogle sent in a bunch of Famous Moments pics. I couldn't use all of them, but the hot dog and Worker 8 moments were indeed put into the FM page. 8-)
- Two new art pics from FF4, compliments of RPGFan.
- I know the poll has had a bug, but it proved extremely elusive. I finally nailed it down, though, and it should work fine now. 8-) I stuck in a new poll, too!
Jan. 26, 2003
- Not much to say... mostly minor stuff. The FF8 Story (and related info on the character and place pages) has been revamped and a lot of errors and inconsistencies corrected.
- More Name Origins and a bunch of more references on the two crossover pages.
- A new Famous Moment pic, sent in by Dino-Man.
- Two new FFT art pics, sent in by Skibby. Also, the flags of the Nanten and Hokuten Knights were donated by someone a while back (unfortunately I lost the e-mail).
- Well, the old poll shows emphatically that people *do* like the full index page, so I guess I'm stuck updating it. ^^; A new one's up for now. If I think of any more for the next update, maybe I'll keep this up!
Jan. 1, 2003
- The FFU section has been completed! Thanks goes again to Leimrey for sending me the last five episodes. Thanks also to St. Ajora for writing up and sending me the Soldats script for episode 25 (which was much easier to understand than the Chikara version). Because I now have all the information I'm reasonably going to get, I've integrated the FFU stuff with the rest of the site (the reason I didn't until now is because I had unfinished info).
- It looks like our chat room is a bust, so I've taken down the link. Oh well.
- The FF3 Shrine now has maps for all the towns and dungeons! Well... a little over half of them, anyway ^^; The rest are under construction.
- The main page has a new poll about the Full Index section. I've added to it in this update by adding the FF number to the character and place entries, but I'm starting to get a bit annoyed. ^^; It's a pain to update. I haven't gotten any feedback about it yet, and I want to know if it's worth keeping online. I *may* be able to use a full-text search option sometime in the future, but as of now I don't think that's possible due to RAM issues. Till then, let me know if the Full Index is worth it!
- More fanfics by Weiila! Does it ever stop! 8p
- New Name Origins (a whole slew of them from Moogle Fan). Does it ever stop! 8D
Dec. 8, 2002
- Forgot to add this last update, but we've changed our fanart person yet again. ^^; Faetan has now taken over the position, so send her any fanart you have!
- I've changed around the format of the story pages so they're actually readable now. I dunno why nobody told me they were so hard to read before. Found out when I tried reading them myself. 8p
- Added two more soundtracks to the list: FFXI, and the new FF1+2 Original Soundtrack from the PSX versions.
- Finally finished the FF4 names (items, places, and monsters)! Man, talk about procrastination... anyway, the FFC is now officially official as far as names go! 8-)
- Two new FF6 Famous Moment pics sent in by Psi. Cool!
- Cutmanmike sent in a pic of Atomos from FF5; it's in the Summons section for Atomos.
- Marek 14 sent in another external crossover (more of a parody) with Lunar 2: Eternal Blue. Fixed up a bunch of external crossovers, and added a bunch of things I missed in the Kingdom Hearts page. Thanks to all the alert readers who sent in corrections and additions!
- I've made a major change to the MIDI policy in this site. I've completely neglected the people who actually made the MIDIs, and this was brought to my attention by one of the sequencers. I realized that I'd really been giving them short shrift up till now. So now I've done my best to have visible credits throughout the site. I've also removed the MIDI Archive link from the music page (it was just a shortcut anyway). I don't want to use anyone's MIDIs if they don't want me to, but my current attitude is that if someone has a problem, they'll contact me; otherwise, I will assume that I can post their MIDIs here, since I'm giving them full credit for what they've done. This site is non-profit, and I believe it's professional-quality, so I hope that none of the sequencers will mind that their work is on this site.
Nov. 17, 2002
- First and foremost, I finally added a Kingdom Hearts FF reference page! You can find it under External Crossovers, but it does have its own page. Big thanks goes to Wilfredo Martinez for giving me a nice list of all the little stuff that's a crossover to FF games, and another big thanks to RPGamer for the majority of the pictures featured there.
- Here's a surprise... new name origins! How often does THAT happen, eh? ...No? Awww...
- FF1+2 (PSX) has been released in Japan and have been added to the Release Info page.
- Cactuberry has donated two new FF Tactics art pics of the Silf and Fairy summons that are much clearer.
- A few more minor internal and external crossover mentions.
- And, as usual, Weiila gives us a nice new fanfic update. 8-)
Oct. 20, 2002
- Nothing really major to update, but here goes... first off, a new logo! Save your thanks for Phredreeke!
- Lots more Name Origins, as usual. 8-) Two new Famous Moments as well, again sent in by Peter Sahui. A few more External Crossover images and notes too: from The Bouncer and Bahamut Lagoon. A few In-Series Crossover mentions as well.
- CNash, who's been telling me that you *can* see Instructor Aki in FF8, finally backed it up with a screenshot, which has been added to the character section. 8-)
- The radio pop-up option hasn't been working for a while... I *think* it should work now, though. ^^;
- Also, on the advice of Moogle Fan, changed two of the made-up names in the Jobs section. You get a cookie if you can tell me which ones. 8p
Sept. 22, 2002
- And again. A slough of new Name Origins (most from the indefatigable Moogle Fan) and corrections, of course, including a minor amendment to the FF9 Story (ending), sent in by Owen Axel.
- Two new Famous Moments, sent in by Peter Sahui and Dalton of Zeal.
- Two new external crossovers, to Xenogears and Dynami Racer; pics sent in by Ryuuhi and Hiryuu.
- A new fan flash by Alkaiser, w00t!
- I think I goofed with the fanart submission link, which is why we've had no fanart at all for the last six months. >_< If you ever sent in something that didn't get posted, PLEASE re-send it to the new address! Sorry again!
- I'm now looking for a new logo for the FFC. Basically the same as it is now, but I just want a background on it, more or less. The background should be in exactly the same style as the other FF logos. The background I want is a book of some sort (probably facing the viewer would be the best way). The current logos (one with a transparent background, one with a white background) to be replaced can be found here and here. You can send them to me directly; I will only accept GIF files, nothing else; it should be an absolute maximum of 30K. If I do use your logo, you'll get a free forwarding address!
Sept. 11, 2002
- Another update! Lots of minor things here. First of all, I've done the first step in converting the site to the official FF4 names from the PlayStation release; the characters are done as of now. Items, places, magic, monsters, and miscellaneous to follow.
- A brand-new Site Map section, with an entry for every single HTML page on the site. Phew! O_o Hope this will help people find what they want easier.
- A few new Name Origins, natch.
- I've gotten too annoyed by the e-mails I've been getting lately from people, so I've changed all the links in the site to point to a slightly altered feedback page instead of directly to my e-mail address. Please read the rules there before sending me mail.
- The chat server has changed, which means we no longer have a direct Java applet. 8-\ Other ways of connecting are listed on the chat page.
- Weiila has made yet another fanfic update, woo!
- Straightened up the Release Info deal with the PlayStation FF4, 5, and 6 releases (way too complicated!). Also got a neat tidbit from Hiryuu about the fact that FF4 EasyType was not, in fact, identical to FF2US. Brand-spanking new Zeromus picture in the Characters and Enemies->Bosses sections to prove it, too!
- New link to FF Insider; thanks to Moogle Fan for sending it in.
- Whole bunch of corrections, both technical and otherwise; thanks to my alert readers, as Dave Barry would say. 8p
- I'm not going to mention what day it is today, as I'm sure you've had it thrown at you enough. -_- I'm sure you won't forget the significance of what happened today. Let's leave it at that.
August 27, 2002
- OK, here it is, a bit earlier than expected. Huge apologies to everyone who sent in Name Origins and had them stagnate for two months. *^_^* Gomen nasai! But enjoy the update for now! Man, my inbox looks so nice and clean and shiny now... 8-)
- Added a new Fan Flash page! We've got one movie up now (it's really hilarious). We might have more eventually, who knows? 8-)
- After much lazines, I've finally realized I'm never going to be able to snap any more Famous Moments. 8-\ I've put a list of the "wanted" Famous Moments on that page, and anyone with the software and time to snap those pictures, please do!
- Various other updates, including Release Info (new releases plus more PAL info), a couple miniscule additions to the Internal and External Crossovers, the FF9 Story (Madain Sari Leviathan summoning paragraph), added voice actors to the anime characters section, added a link to the official FFU homepage, and added a tidbit on Griever in the FF8 Characters section.
August 22, 2002
- Well... I was planning on making one big update with everything, but we'll have to settle for piecemeal since I'm going out of town in two days. ^^; Anyway, here's what we do have:
- A huge FF: Unlimited update! Info now covers the first 20 episodes! We now have a full story / episode guide, with screenshots! Also added a glossary page with terms/places/whatnot. Go enjoy. 8-) Big thanks goes to Leimrey for sending me the last 8 episodes via snail mail!
- Weiila has done two fanfic updates while I've been skiving off, so go lookit those too! ^^;
- Look for another update within the next two weeks, ya? (I've got over 35 messages sitting in my inbox, oy...) Seeya!
July 29, 2002
- Sorry for all the pinballing with the servers. At the end of June we just plumb ran out of bandwidth for a few days; I hadn't been paying attention. ^^; And now we've just gone through a server switch, which is why we've been down for a few more. But everything should be back up either today or within the next two days and should be running smoothly. I do have some e-mail backlog to take care of (as usual, mostly Name Origins) but I'm also incredibly busy in the next few weeks, so I'll get to that latest the third week of August. *^_^* Sorry about that. I still don't have any real new content for you right now at all, anyway. ^^;
- My address was down while the server was down, too, so if anyone sent me e-mail there in the meantime and got no reply, chances are you'll just have to resend it. ^^; Sorry for the inconvenience.
June 19, 2002
- Sorry, I've been busy and I don't have all that much ground-breaking material, either. ^^; Here's what I do have:
- A bunch new Name Origins. Sorry for everyone who I made wait three weeks till I put them up. 8p
- Weiila made TWO fanfic updates while you waited.
- Fixed some PAL information in the Release Info page; thanks goes to Dominik Freiburg for that.
- Mike Iantorno has helped out by providing two new title pics for the FF7 and FF8 Places sections, and I'm told more might be coming. 8-)
May 28, 2002
- Phew, a bunch of new updates today (talk about stripping backlog!) First off, a HUGE thanks to AniHime for sending me a slew of FF9 character shots, as well as weapon shots (from in-battle) which have been added to the items page.
- An equally big thanks goes to Cain Highwind for sending in a whole bunch of FF1 WSC character shots which have also been added! Yay!
- Some generic other stuff... new pics for various summons and monsters, a few characters in FF8, got one of the Moai from FF8 as well... can't remember everything I did in this update. ^^; Very miscellaneous.
May 24, 2002
- Welcome to the FF Compendium, version 2! Now powered by PHP! 8-) What does this mean? Well, for me, it means updates are literally twice as fast and easy to make (more than that, actually). For you, it means those of you annoyed at the haphazard music utility now get a nice clean one via dynamic HTML creation. You can also change which version of the site you're using or turn music on/off at any time. It also means you may have some extra errors (everyone knows you get errors when switching site formats). If you find any, make sure to let me know!
- Caught up on my e-mail: now we've got a bunch more Name Origins! And an extra crossover or two, and I reinstated the link to RPG Havens.
- Added a slough of new fanfics (whew!). Also added a border on that table, 'cause my fanfic section's starting to get too big. 8p I may have to split that up as well sometime in the future.
May 12, 2002
- Added a bunch of new pictures, mostly thanks to Skylark: all the requisite enemy pictures from the Wonderswan Color versions of FF1 and FF2, and a bunch of much higher-quality monster pics from FF8 (the ones I had before sucked). A few extra character pics came out of there too. I also (for the heck of it) added a quick line of crossover monster pics from Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon, also from Sky. That's in the External Crossovers page.
- 30 new FFX MIDIs sent me by Rikku's World! Thanks a ton!
May 1, 2002
- Finished the FFX Story (phew!) and updated the characters, places, species, and organizations pages to reflect the more precise facts I've gathered.
- Added a chat room, thanks to Xelopheris, who's the main op for it. Have fun, folks!
April 24, 2002
- Completely redid the Name Origins section! For starters, I've removed my former rule that only crossover monsters/items will be covered; now, anything goes! 8-) To that end, I've added a bunch of entries from the original document that didn't make the cut before, and a slough of sent-in stuff too. I've also gotten rid of the square brackets, with the author's permission (makes it a lot more readable) and divided it into different subpages, one for monsters, one for characters, etc. Enjoy!
- Added European (PAL) release dates to the Game Releases page.
- Juggled around some other pages as well. The Misc Crossover page is now known as the External Crossover page, a lot of info from it has gone to the In-Series Crossover page, and the FF Tactics mistranslation list has been shifted to the FF Tactics hub page. Added a bunch more things to both internal and external pages, too!
- Thanks to Marek 14 for some more Magic/Ability corrections.
- Various minor corrections thanks to my tireless correspondents. 8-)
- Forgot to mention in the last update: I also added a scan of the FF: TSW book and added it to the hub page.
April 17, 2002
- Very sorry about the long wait between updates. -_- It's been extremely hectic in my life, but now I've got a bit of time. ^^; Here's what's making news this hour:
- All names from FF5 have finally been changed to the PlayStation version. Eventually I'll get to FF4 as well (a nice contributor sent me the info) but I've got some other things to do first. ;)
- A slough of new fanfics added; I also welcome Weiila, perennial fanfic author and now co-conspirator in taking care of the section for us. 8-)
- Several new fanart pics added as well; and a BIG welcome to Nikki Neko, who's now taking care of the fanart section, and who has a faster connection than me, so my fanart submission problems are over. 8p
- Added a new link to and cleaned up the links page.
- Added several new soundtracks and track listings, including the 2002/02/02 orchestral concert CD, and the two FF: Unlimited soundtracks.
- Four new FF10 MIDIs, and three new MIDIS from the FF9 Plus soundtrack (from FMVs). All thanks to, as usual.
- Added logos for the blitzball teams in the FF10 Characters page, as well as the logo for "FFX Project" (Jecht's tattoo). Also added pics of Lulu holding a Cait Sith and Moogle doll for the In-Series Crossover page.
March 14, 2002
- It's here! Finally! 8p FF10 info has been added to the site in its entirety. We've got over 3 meg worth of pictures here! While I was at it, I added another small section to the In-Series Crossovers page, and streamlined the Jobs page. I haven't put up the Story yet... I'm still a bit unclear about everything, so I think I'd rather wait until I play through it one more time and this time make sure NOT to lose my notes. 8p Thanks a huge bunch to The GIA, where I got the vast majority of the pictures from, and thanks to Joseph Witham for sending me basically all the FFX MIDIs posted!
- Added two new soundtracks, FFX Piano Collections and FFX Uematsu's Best Selection.
- New fanart by Ucchan.
March 10, 2002
- Well, we're back. And boy, was this experiment a failure. >_< I got three donations totalling $20 in the first day, and after that... zip. I guess I've got the wrong demographic for this site... or something. No, I never intended on the site being taken down for good. All it means is that I am never, ever gonna get a connection faster than 28K (it costs about as much to get a normal connection per month as it does to keep this site running). I wanted to say thank you to all the people who took the time to e-mail me telling me that I haven't wasted my time in the past three years. 8-) I've finished FFX plus gotten the next two FFU episodes, so look for that info in the coming weeks. Sorry for the whole debacle...
February 22, 2002
- New affiliate, GameHiker! They have very nice FF Compendium-like information on other game series (I like their Zelda section a lot). Also added a new link to RPG Haven.
- Two new fanart pieces by Kaleb Callahan.
- Cropped the bottom of the updates again; file's getting too large. ^^;
- Thanks to Zell The Destroyer for pointing out some errors in the Series Evolution page for FF Tactics. Thanks also to John Kilby for fixing a link on the FF7 OSV page.
- In other news... I've gotten my grubby paws on a PS2 and an FFX (thanks Dad!) I'm currently playing through it and enjoying every minute. 8-) My condemnation on anyone sending me FFX info is still in full swing until I see the last second of the ending. 8p Once I'm done I'll get started on adding the info to the site! Yay! And once THAT'S done, I've got FFU episodes 11 and 12 to add as well.
- Just a warning for those nice enough to actually view these updates... sometime in the next month or so, the FF Compendium will probably close down for an indeterminate amount of time. During that time, you'll only be able to reach a donation page for the site. I've gotten virtually nothing from my visitors, and my cash flow is not such that I can shell out this much money for a site all by myself as well as do all the work for it. Until I get a certain amount of cash (which is not unimaginably large, but it's not trivial) the site will stay closed. This will probably happen around the beginning of March. If you want to avoid it, why not help out with a few bucks?
February 11, 2002
- I've gotten rid of my rather large e-mail backlog. I know I let it build up quite a bit. ^^; To whit: Some new Name Origins involving Bugenhagen, Calcobrina, and Dark Matter from Alex, Chase, and Sinistral respectively; item page corrections from Baakley; Game Evolution correction by Matthew Lindmark; new Misc. crossover about the FF7 Loveless poster by ermintrude gobstopper; a link fix from Ryanbomber; and additions to the Summon page by Ucchan.
- Two new fanarts by Kaleb Callahan.
- One last thing - I forgot to credit FFDelta / Cactuberry for sending me in the FF2 Battle 2 MIDI; he also sent in a clarification for the FF9 Story page. Thanks.
Februray 1, 2002
- The next six episodes of FFU have had their info added to the site; thanks again to Mr. Saturn!
- Six new fanart pics; one from Kenshin and five from the proliferous AniHime. AniHime also sent in two Famous Moments.
- Dominik Freiburg sent in a picture of the Moomba summon from FF8; thanks!
January 15, 2002
- Joseph Witham has generously donated a whole bunch of missing MIDIs: 16 of them, to be precise, from FF8, 9, MQ, and Tactics.
- Three new pics from Patrick.
January 8, 2002
- Brand new VBulletin messageboard! Check it out!
- 9 new fanfics (phew!) 8 by Lady Aliena, and one by Michael Carusi. Go lookit!
January 2, 2002
- Happy new year!
- I've re-uploaded all the MIDIs with new twists - if you play them in Winamp, they'll give the game, track number, and name of the track instead of the file name. You can now easily just sort by name and voila - they're in the order of the soundtrack. To take full advantage of this, set the general options to "Read Titles On Load" (as opposed to Display or Play).
- A new Music Database section has replaced the Music Info and Music Archives pages. Soundtracks are now sorted by Original, Mix/Single, and Arranged. MIDIs are now only linked if the track is the original track; I decided that linking, say, a piano or orchestrated version of a track that isn't either, might be misleading. The Music Evolution section has been given its own page, as well.
- Two new singles have been added, both from the FF Unlimited anime. I've also noted the existence of the FF Unlimited OST, but have no track list yet. Also added links to lyrics for the songs in the "feel/Go Dream" single.
- The FF3 Shrine is now complete and has changed its URL. Check it out in the Game Help section.
- Four new pictures from Patrick.
- Another Name Origins update (phew, now most of my e-mail backlog is gone! -_-) Someone also sent in a neat tidbit about the White Mages, which I stuck in the Jobs section.
December 19, 2001
- Final Fantasy X has been released in North America. Unfortunately I won't be able to play it any time soon, lacking a PlayStation 2. Therefore I won't be able to add it to the site, and I vigorously ask that no one send me anything FFX-related until I do (which will hopefully be sometime in April or May).
- Added a new link, to NKode.
- Two new title pics from Patrick.
- A new piece of fan art, from Josh Pang.
December 15, 2001
- Added no less than four new soundtracks: The singles of Suteki da ne and Spirit Dreams Inside, finally got info for the second soundtrack for the old FF: Legend of the Crystals anime, and the brand new Potion 2. The music section's getting too big for its britches, so I'm going to divide it up (as well as some other sections, possibly) in the next update.
- Say hi to a new member of the staff, as it were: Patrick Putthavong. He's going to be redoing the title pics in the high-res site so they actually look good! No offense to those who've sent in stuff, but one or two pics doesn't really do it for me; Patrick is serious about his commitment. So I'll slowly be replacing my crappy pics with his excellent ones. 8-) He's started out with ten new title pics. Look for them!
- My apologies to any fanfic writers who've sent in new stuff in the last month and a half or so... Mazrim Taim is in the process of retiring and we're still looking for someone to take over. ^^; Please bear with us in the meantime!
November 28, 2001
- First off, welcome to the brand new FF: Unlimited section! 8-) A HUGE thanks goes to Mr. Saturn for sending me an actual CD with the first four episodes via snail mail. 8-) As of now I only have the character and summon pics up, and one character page. (The pics are in 24-bit color, so they may show up weird in 16-bit.) I will not include a story until there's anything real to put up; four episodes leaves me with more questions than answers. But please do NOT e-mail me with spoilers for future episodes!
- Robin Waterreus sent me a boatload of FF8 and 9 MIDIs; my collection's very near complete now! 8-) Thanks!
- Big thanks to Javier Alvarado for sending in a bunch of FF4 and FF5 Famous Moments! These are from the fan translations, not Squaresoft's.
- Some LONG-overdue Name Origins updates.
- Dark Kujata sent in an excellent bluesy graphic for the FF6 pages, which are now in use in the high-res site.
- I am EXTREMELY disappointed with my viewers. Other than two people who I've already known for some time, I have received a total of ZERO donations so far. Frankly, I don't know what everyone's thinking. >_< I keep getting e-mails about how great people think my site is, but it can't stay up magically by itself.
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