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Antican Show Images
A secondary race of beastmen who resemble ants. They created catacombs under the island chains where the Galka first lived, using them to drive the Galka out. They attacked through these tunnels during the crystal war.

Archduke of Jeuno
Ruler of Jeuno after it became a nearly independent nationstate. He helped the country through a time of famine. Later revealed to be Kam'lanaut.

Ark Angels Show Images
Also known as the crystal warriors. They were created by Promathia to represent the central vice of each of the five races - the arrogance of the Elvaan, the apathy of the Hume, the envy of the Mithra, the cowardice of the TaruTaru, the rage of the Galka. The Zilart reconsructed them to protect the mother crystals, but they were warped into something different after the Meltdown. They were summoned by Kam'lanaut to fight for him while he enacted his plan to open the gates to paradise, and were eventually defeated by Lion, Zeid, and Aldo.

Armathrwn Society
An ancient society of kuluu. Its members are Kareh'ayollio, Eshan'tarl, Nag'molada, and Mammet. This secret society carries out the will of the duchy.

A summonable god that protects Vana'diel. There are five of them, Diablos, Phoenix, Fenrir, Carbuncle, Bahamut, and they fought a fierce battle to prevent emptiness enveloping Vana'diel.

Cardian Show Images
Dolls brought to life by the strange fruit of the trees on the Windurst Walls. They became grunts for work and war, and held loyalty only to Zonpa-Zippa. Eventually, they grew out of control, so Zonpa-Zippa made the Ace Cardians to manage them.

Elvaan Show Images
The third of the five races of Vana'diel. They have long flattened pointed ears, but are otherwise human-looking. They started as a rather insignificant race, but soon grew to a powerful empire, and formed the Kingdom of San'doria on the Quon continent. Elvaans are strictly adherent to their code of conduct and relgion to Altana. Their kingdom soon grew to an empire as they took over many lands, until they tried to seize Bastok and Windurst, the homes of the other four races. This caused a great war between the three kingdoms that raged on with bloodbaths on both sides. The San'dorians fell to Bastok when firearms were used against them. They then fell into civil war for the throne. Today they are a shadow of their former glory.

Dawn Maidens Show Images
Women of the Zilart with exceptional skill in telepathy and magic were chosen to be dawn maidens. They were said to be in direct service to Altana. They soon developed a distaste for the way the Zilart treated the Kuluu and conspired with them to sabotage the Zilart's experiment to open the gates to paradise. They were killed in the resulting Meltdown, but were blessed with "afterlife" to watch over future incarnations of the gatekeeper.

Galka Show Images
The first of the five races of Vana'diel. Galkans have a large, powerful body, and brute strength, with a hairy ape like face. There are no female Galkas, and thus, they do not reproduce. When Galkan's reach the last days of life, they leave the city of their birth to a place of solitude, such as a mountain or forest. The Galkans who make this journey never come back, but around a year later, a new Galka comes into town, assumed to be the Galkan that was reborn. However, once reborn, they retain no memories of their past. This ritual is known as the Journey of Rebirth, and all Galka must undergo it, except for the Talekeeper. The Galka were the first race to create a peaceful civilization. When they were forced from their homes by the Anticans they landed on what would eventually be the town of Bastok. During the San'dorian imperialism, they formed an alliance with the Humes, built the city of Bastok, and fought back the San'dorians. As time progressed, the Galkans got poorer in age of technology. They were seen as laborers, and grew animous of the Humes who were proficient in trade and tools.

Leader of the dawn maidens.

Gigas Show Images
A secondary race of beastmen who live in the far north islands. They allied with kindred and were key players in the initial stages of the Crystal War. They also played a role on the pre-emptive strike on Jeuno, but Kam'lanaut and his armies pushed them back and they retreated to Delkfutt's tower.

Goblin Show Images
Although beastmen, they coexist with the people of Vana'diel, known for trades like smithing and healing. They are the most religious of the beastmen.

Hume Show Images
The last of the five races of Vana'diel. Humes are human equivalents. They orginated on the southern portion of Quon. With their lack of strong skill in anything, they were mostly ignored by rest of world, until they formed an alliance with Galkans during the invasion of San'doria and formed Bastok. They eventually grew stronger and more powerful in age of technology, while Galkans didn't. This started to cause resentment on both sides.

Kindred Show Images
A race of beastmen who developed in the north. The people nicknamed them "demons". They are stronger than either the orcs, guadav, or yagudo, and solely serve the Shadow Lord.

Kuluu Show Images
A race of people biologically descended from the Zilart with no natural magic or telepathic powers. They received their magic from avatars, but were condemned by the Zilart as freaks and forced into slavery through amulets created by the zilart king. These amulets sent the thoughts of the wearer to the "Eye of Altana" for monitoring. In the resulting magic explosion, known as the Meltdown, of the experiment, most of the kuluu were turned into tonberries.

Minister of Aurastery
One of the Tarutaru ministers of magic, head of the teachers of those Tarutaru who would become the leaders of society one day.

Minster of Maunastery
One of the Tarutaru ministers of magic, responsible for construction of cardians.

Minister of Oarstery
One of the Tarutaru ministers of magic, leader of the mage training grounds that develop mages into their colors - black, white, and red.

Minster of Optistery
One of the Tarutaru ministers of magic, specializing in ancient lore and magical power.

Minister of Rhinostery
One of the Tarutaru ministers of magic, responsible for experimenting with the world around. One of these created the glow plants.

Mithra Show Images
The second of the five races of Vana'diel. They are lithe humanoids with cat ears and tail. Only females are ever seen outside of their territory. Mithra men stay at home to raise children. Women created the political and warrior classes. Early in Vana'diel's development, they found the Tarutaru land and formed an everlasting alliance with them. As a race, they play the smallest role in the development of Vana'diel's history.

Moblin Show Images
Cousins of goblins. They live underground, in the capital city of Movalpolos, and worship Promathia.

Orc Show Images
One of the races of beastmen. Known for being the most bloodthristy. Their home is in the forests of northern quon continent. They primarily attacked San'doria during the Crystal War.

Religious leader of Elvaan. Similar to a pope.

Quadav Show Images
One of the races of beastmen. Turtle-like miners. They mined under Bastok and attacked during the Crystal War.

Sahagin Show Images
A secondary race of beastmen, fish-like. They live in the south eastern islands. The Shadow Lord sought them for help, but few bothered.

Star Sybil Show Images
The leader of the Tarutaru. The first Star Sybil was so titled when she found the full moon well of the ancient Kuluu which gave the Tarutaru proficiency in magic. She was also given the book of the gods, and had a vision of the prosperous future of the life of the Tarutaru. She united the Tarutaru and became the first Star Sybil.

Talekeeper of the Galka Show Images
The Talekeeper carries all the past memories of the Galka with him, rather than having a written history. This makes him a sort of leader among the race. However, his knowledge is not infinite, he only retains around 200 years of past history. Due to this burden, no Talekeeper has ever lived long enough to undergo the Journey of Rebirth.

Tarutaru Show Images
The third of the five races of Vana'diel. Tarutaru are small child-like, and resemble chipmunks. They are not strong, but are highly intelligent. Weary from fear of the beastmen, they wandered the world in search of peace, and settled on Windurst. They formed an alliance with the Mithra when they came upon their land and have been a powerful force ever since. They discovered magic, which then spread across the land to all others, including the beastment. When this happened, they became isolationist, refusing entry to any others (except for Mithra).

A smuggling group in Jeuno. They came to prominence during Crystal War for supplying materials from the far east.

Tonberry Show Images
These beastmen were formerly Kuluu, transformed by the Meltdown. Like the Sahagins, they were sought for help by the Shadow Lord after the battle of Tavnazia, but few did.

Yagudo Show Images
One of the races of beastmen. They are bird-like in appearance. Their civilization includes a fanatical relgious doctrine, and the land they share with the TaruTaru has made them enemies, especially during the Crystal War. After striking an alliance with the Cardians, they demanded the control of horotoro ruins, since their activation went against the treaty signed after the war.

The first race of civilization in Vana'diel, which apparently contradicts the creation story of Altana. The Zilart quickly gained great magic skill and telepathy, and used these powers to control the Kuluu. Their quest to open the gates of paradise led to their decline and fall.


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Ace Cardians Show Images
These cardians were created to manage other cardians with basic wrong/right logic. There are only four of them. Under Karaha-Baruha's guidance, they built the super strong cardian - Joker. When he died during the Crystal War, they lost their sense of right/wrong morality, and everything began to seem gray. Unknown to the Tarutaru, the Ace Cardians kidnapped Zonpa-Zippa, and became lost during Crystal War. They then reappeared afterward to Ajido-Marujido and stole his work. Ajido-Marujido discovered they kidnapped Zonpa-Zippa to prevent him from revealing their plan reactivating Joker. What they didn't realize was that Karaha-Baruha had bound his life force to Joker, so in order to resurrect Joker, they would have to resurrect Karaha-Baruha.

Ajido-Marujido Show Images
The son of Zonpa-Zippa, brother of Apururu, head of the Ministry of Orastery. He attempted to find the reason why the lands around Windurst were drying up and dying after the Crystal War. He dug into the Horotoro Ruins and found the cardians lost long ago after activating mysterious power generators. The cardians stole his work and fled. Later, he bought a book of magic from Nana Mihgo and met with the Yagudo out of the Star Sybil's jurisdicition to uncover the mysteries of the book. He was captured after this and sentenced to prison in the Horotoro Ruins. His sister saved him, but just as he was escaping he saw a strange figure and a flash of light. He fell unconcsicous. Later, he revealed to everyone the existence of the 6th ministry - the Ministry of Animastery, set up by Karuha-Baruha to twist fate and save the Tarutaru. Also, Ajido-Marujido told of the cardians' master - Joker. After he discovered that the mysterious figure that appeared to him was the life force of Fenrir and Karuha-Baruha, tied together, he came up with plan to save the kidnapped Star Sybil, lure Fenrir back to existence, and re-energize the Full Moon Well using the caridan's power. Using the three Kuluu songs to lure the mysterious figure, he then overloaded the cardians and merged Joker and the mysterious figure, hoping the life force of Fenrir would prevail. The plan succeeded, and words returned to the book of magic.

Aldo Show Images
The hume leader of the Tenshodo, helping to sneak illegal weapons from the Far East to Bastok and Jeuno. He was an escapee from Tavnazia during Crystal War as a child. (He's the guy we see in the opening movie.) He is one of the three heroes, along with Lion and Zeid. In Rise of the Zilart, he plays a major role when his sister, Verena, is kidnapped to open the doors of the floating city, Tu'lia. In Chains of Promathia, he secures a tavern.

Alphollon Tavnazia Show Images
A royal vassal of San'doria. He was given the task of constructing a city on the newly discovered peninsula so the San'dorians could push south. This was Tavnazia. He was the keeper of a second tablet discovered underground, that turned out to be the "Lay of the Immortals".

Alois, Senator Show Images
An embezzling senator of Bastok. Gumbah reveals his corruption which results in his removal from office, and Gumbah's recognition as the Talekeeper of the Galka.

Altana Show Images
The supreme goddess, higher than all others. According the Vana'diel creation story, her tears created the five races upon finding Vana'diel in ruins. Evidence later uncovered shows the creation a little closer to reality - someone stole the energy of the mothercrystal to create five races, which split the crystal into five and the realm of the gods from the higher plain. She soars on wings of freedom, while Promathia is bound in chains.

Apururu Show Images
Sister of Ajido-Marujido, head of the Ministry of Maunastery. She enlisted the help of Shantotto after her brother was captured. Using the five rings of the ministers to form a gauntlet. She succeeded in freeing her brother, but when he was saved he fell unconscious.

Ayame Show Images
A hume samurai, one of the Mythril Musketeers. Daughter of Ensetsu. She competes with Iron Eater and Naji to be leader. It was revealed that she formerly held loyalty to Gilgamesh when she was sent to Norg to negotiate trade. Her role is representative of the Republic in negotiations.

Bahamut Show Images
Also known as the wyrmking and lord of the skies. Promathia awoke him to attack the Zilart when they opened the gateway to paradise. He awoke the other avatars and they fought a gigantic battle in sky, during which the dawn maidens and Kuluu enacted their plan to sabotage the magic reactor. After the magic explosion, he was still at large, terrorizing the land. A young boy (later revealed to be Nag'molada) made a mysterious deal with him, and he left. He returns somehow later in the Chains of Promathia storyline. His plan is to destroy Vana'diel so that if Promathia is resurrected, there will be no life left for him to envelop. (See also Summon:Bahamut)

Bakgodek, Overlord Show Images
Orc leader who appears in the Monastic Cavern in Davoi, the base of the Orcs.

Byakko Show Images
A "god" tiger that appears when you trade the Gem of the West and an Autumnstone.

Carbuncle Show Images
One of the avatars, keeper of the world and keeper of rainbows. Involved in the side quest for Summoner's artifact armor.

Chebukki Triplets Show Images
Makki, Kukki, Cherukiki. These trouble-making Tarutaru triplets are on a constant search for their father. Through the events of Chains of Promathia they wind up fighting alongside and against the heroes, making their alliance to good or evil ambiguous. After Promathia is destroyed, they are thrown off a ship for stowing away, and find their real father. They are currently under the care of Prishe.

Chumimi Show Images
Tarutaru gardener of the star trees. Involved in the side quest for the Black Mage's artifact armor.

Cid Show Images
An engineering genius (like all Cid's before him), and figured to be the smartest man in the world. He originally made his fortune from studying ancient Zilart technology and using it in his inventions. When he found a mysterious crystal in the Northlands, he sent the ill-fated mission there to see if there was more. This piece actually turned out to be a chunk of the Star of Tavnazia. Using the knowledge he gained from his studies, he developed a crystal engine that would eventually power airships. During their development, he worked with figures in hooded robes that may have been Zilart. The Archduke of Jeuno commissioned him to build a fleet of airships to be used in the Crystal War, but only one was ever publicly used or needed.

Claidie Show Images
San'dorian princess, daughter of King Destin. She was under the armor of the gold warrior who intervened on Rochefogne's behalf at Battalia downs, but ultimately failed to protect him.

Cornelia Show Images
A hume who was chosen for the Northland expedition. A Yagudo killed her brother. She was a member of the Mythril Musketeers and then became a monk. While on her quest to become a monk, she met Raogrimm, a Galkan warrior. Her affections for Raogrimm irked the passions of Ulrich. When Ulrich attempted to stab Raogrimm, she jumped in front of his blade and died.

Cornelia (II) Show Images
Daughter of Karst. She was named after the ill-fated Cornelia who went on the Northland expedition. She helps Prishe when she is captured and brings her to Cid. She is very good with improving relationships with the Galka, since she has the ability to see through their eyes.

Curilla, General Show Images
Leader of temple knights. Part of her face is scarred from an accident sparring with Prince Trion. She hides this part of her face from shame. She is involved in the side quest for the Red Mage's side quest.

D'Oraguille, Achefagais Show Images
The ninth king of San'Doria. He ruled from 558-567. He received the crown after he personally assassinated his stepbrother, who had more claim to the throne than he did. Called "The War King" for his ferocity in battle, he was loved as a warrior, but hated as an aristocrat. He died on the throne.

D'Oraguille, Lanfeaur Show Images
Elvaan. The ruling party at the time of the discovery of a small peninsula at western edge of Quon continent. This peninsula would eventually become Tavnazia. He also held one of the tablets that told where Lightbringer was.

D'Oraguille, Marelinne R Show Images
The ruler of San'Doria after Acheufagais D'Oraguille. Her claim to the throne was discovered just before a bloody civil war broke out. Disgusted with the deception and schemes around her, she left the kingdom and journeyed the land, ruling from afar by messenter. She vanished after a twenty-year reign.

D'Oraguille, Ranperre R Show Images
Nicknamed the "dragon king". With his dragoons, he led the final assault on the San'doria. He discovered the secret of Lanfeaur D'Oraguille's tablet, revealing the location of Lightbringer, a powerful sword. The presence of this weapon caused the royal knights to surrender without it ever being brought out and ended the civil war threatening to plunge San'doria into bloody conflict directly after their defeat by Bastok. Believing Lightbringer was too much power for him to wield, he sent it to Tavnazia and had it locked away in its caverns. Ancient lore says that he saved a black dragon from death, and as a result a dragon would protect his tomb.

Deidogg Show Images
Friend of Raorgrimm. He is involved in the side quest for the Warrior's artifact armor, and in the process goes from hating Raogrimm to believing in him.

Despachiaire Show Images
Old Elvaan man. Grandfather of Ulmia. Tavnazian elder.

Destin, King Show Images
Elvaan king of San'doria after the Crystal War, during a time of his nation's decline. He had two sons, Trion and Piejue, and a daughter, Claidie. He was convinced by the Papsque that Lightbringer was nearby, judging from the stone tablet. He sent forth his knights to look.

Destin, Queen Show Images
Deceased. Sister of Rochefogne. Also the former princess of Tavnazia.

Diabolos Show Images
The guardian to the sacred realm of dreams - Dyanmis. He refuses to join Tenzen when asked to help defeat Promathia. Instead, Diablos asks him to join him in Dynamis. He claims that Promathia is the one leading them on the path of fate to opening the gates of paradise. (See also REF="espmon/diablos.shtml">Summon:Diablos)

Doggvdegg Show Images
A gigantic orc. Before the start of the Crystal War, he slew King Grantieul R D'Oraguille. Then was incarcerated for a battle with the Shadow Lord. When he was released, he found his battle troupe, the Bloodwing Horde, had sworn allegiance to the Shadow Lord. Doggvdegg joined them. He reportedly defeated San'dorian General Phillieulais at Xarcabard.

Eald'Narche [VILLAIN] Show Images
One of the two prominent Zilart Princes. He is revealed to be the older brother of Kam'lanaut, despite appearances. Experiments involving exposure to a Mother Crystal stopped him from aging and sealed him into his current form. Upon the destruction of the Zilart, he and his brother slept frozen in tower of the Delkfutt reaction chamber, until many years later, Raogrimm reactivated the crystals. He turns about to be the real mastermind behind the present day plan to open the path to paradise, including starting the Crystal War from behind the throne of the Shadow Lord, and also using his ability to read minds. When he was defeated by Zeid, he attempted to fuse the crystal cermet pathways of the reactor into him, intending to release the same Meltdown that destroyed his people long ago on the entire world of Vana'diel. Yve'noile shows up in his final destruction and tells him the path to paradise cannot be open by Vana'diel's destruction. He dies.

Eldie Mantiant, Lady Show Images
The female leader of San'doria army at the battle of the Konschat Highlands.

Emeline Show Images
Sister of Aldo. She was lost during the battle of Tavnazia and presumed dead. Only she knows the 5th verse of "Lay of the Immortals", but her memory is shoddy, and she believes her name is Mathilde. She's the sister of the guy we see in the opening movie.

Ensetsu Show Images
Retired Tenshodo. Involved in the side quest for the Ninja's artifact armor.

Epuracion, General Show Images
The last great knight of San'doria. He was the leader of the Dragon King's army, but fled to prevent disgrace and turned into a wandering spirit.

Esha'ntarl Show Images
The only woman to ever break the chains of Promathia. Orignally a Kuluu, she was blessed with the duty of watching over man until the end comes, in a conversation she had with Fenrir. Like Nag'molada, she was at ground zero of the Meltdown and was propelled 10,000 years in the future. She goes under the guise of Cardinal Mildaurion. She reveals that Promathia must be reborn to stop the apocalypse, to fulfill the pact between Bahamut and Selh'tus. She returns to defeat the wyrms.

Fellenant, Prince Show Images
Brother of Raigegue, he was more religious and peaceful than his brother. He formed the Temple Knights. In an effort to stop the bloody war between nations, he conspired with the leaders of Bastok to dethrone his brother in exchange for a ceasefire. As a sign of agreement, he gave them the Scepter Royaulis. The soldiers of Bastok and Fellenant's temple knights succeeded in taking the castle up to the point of seizing King Raigegue, when Fellenant had a vision from the Scepter and surrendered. He was placed in the dungeons, since a decree made it so royal blood could not be spilled. He later escaped to Junger Forest.

Fenrir Show Images
A wolf beast avatar, known as the hound of the moon. He was shown in a vision to the Star Sybil during her and Karaha-Baruha's visit to the Full Moon Well. Karaha-Baruha attempted to manipulate the power of Fenrir, but it only sapped the wolf's strength and both disappeared. He appeared again during the battle of Odin's Gate, but then disappeared forever. Later, it was found that while some of Karaha-Baruha's life force had bonded with Joker, most of it was retained in Fenrir. He showed up once again to Ajido-Marujido. (See also Summon:Fenrir)

Fickblix Show Images
Goblin friend of Verena. Accidentally killed by Verena.

Francmage Show Images
San'dorian knight who accompanied Raogrimm, Cornelia, and Ulrich to north, as a spy. He was later found mysteriously murdered, as were all other members of the Northland expedition.

Friese Show Images
A hume girl. Apprenticed to a Galkan blacksmith, and gained fame from constructing windmills. She was appointed as the first captain of gold musketeers. On a mining mission she made Quadav and Bastok lifelong enemies.

Gabbot Show Images
An elder Galka who proclaimed Povall as the new Talekeeper. He was exiled from town for lying.

Genbu Show Images
A "god" adamantoise that appears when you trade the Gem of the North and a Winterstone.

Gilgamesh Show Images
The pirate king of Norg, and former Tavnazian. He found Lion on the shores as a baby and raised her. Later, he set up a base for pirates, some of which broke off into the Tenshodo. In Rise of the Zilart, he sends Lion out to investigate the rumors involving the resurrection of the Shadow Lord. (See also Summon:Gilgamesh)

See Invincible Shield.

Graviton Show Images
Cheiftain of Kuluu. He conspired with Yve'noile to bring about Zilart destruction by sabotaging their experiment to open the gates of paradise. He was transformed into a tonberry like most other Kuluu from the ensuing explosion and still exists in the present.

Grezzo Show Images
Aldo's father. Former Tenshodo. Deceased.

Gumbah Show Images
A Galka boy and friend of Zeid. He asks Cornelia (II) in help finding his friend Werei who has gone missiong. While the debate over Povall goes on, a letter from Werei tells Gumbah he is the new Talekeeper. Gumbah successfully calms the worker crowd when they demand access to the tunnels to the Galkans home island, and proves he is the real thing. He also reveals the corruption of the Bastok government when trying to reunite the people, and is finally recognized when he gets Senator Alois removed from power. He eventually found Werei, but he had undergone the Journey of Rebirth, and had no memories of his friend.

Hani Show Images
An adventurer who give Gumbah the letter from Werei.

Hilda Show Images
An adventurer who give Gumbah the letter from Werei.

Hinaree Show Images
Countess of Mistalle. Wife of the relative of a knight who went on the Northland expedition 30 years ago.

Honoi-Gumoi Show Images
The richest Tarutaru in Windurst. The Chebukki triplets thought he was their father, but this was disproved. He chases the reporter Kyume-Romeh to make sure the story of the Chebukki triplets doesn't get published.

Ildy-Goldy Show Images
Tarutaru involved in the side quest for the Summoner's artifact armor.

Invincible Shield Show Images
A.K.A. Ginuva. Galkan centurion who wrote "Ginuva's Battle Theory" after he retired from war. After obtaining information on a danger imminent to Bastok and Vana'diel, he returned to the army.

Iron Eater Show Images
A Galka knight, one of the Mythril Musketeers. This Galka competes with Ayame and Naji to be leader. He arranged an expedition to the desert to see if Povall's claims to the title of Talekeeper were true and found evidence to the contrary. This evidence was a moon pebble, which the Talekeeper was supposed to have. He is also the Bastok president's bodyguard.

Iru-Kuiru Show Images
After learning of the Northland expedition, which included representatives from Bastok and San'doria, Windurst demanded they be included too. Iru-Kuiru was the Tarutaru who was asked to accompany the group. He was later found mysteriously murdered, as were all other members of the Northland expedition.

Jakoh Wahcondalo Show Images
Cheiftainess of the Mithra. She helped Gilgamesh and Lion investigate the truth of the Zilart.

Jaucribaix Show Images
A weapon smith, She is involved in the side quest for the Samurai's artifact armor, and sends you on a bunch of 'gopher' tasks.

Jobbos Show Images
A Galkan living in Movalpolos, the capital city of the Moblins. He is seen as an outcast from the Galkans. The moblins threw him in jail for not telling them what he knew about Promathia, as they worship the Twilight God. Jobbos eventually told them the truth, that Promathia is their father, thus the light and twilight in all men. Suprisingly, the moblins accept this and let him go.

Joker Show Images
A super strong cardian built by the Ace Cardians under direction of Karaha-Baruha. Its life force was bound to Karaha-Baruha. When Karaha-Baruha finally disappeared during the battle of Odin's Gate, it deactivated, although it still maintained control of the cardians and used them to kidnap the Star Sybil.

Justinius Show Images
Captain of Tavnazian knights. He reports that if Bahamut has arrived, the gates to paradise have indeed been opened. During the events of Chains of Promathia, he questions the reason for gods and goddesses.

Kam'Lanaut Show Images
The younger of the two Zilart princes, despite appearances. He acts as the figurehead for Eald'narche's scheme. Like his brother, he slept frozen in tower of the Delkfutt reaction chamber, until many years later, Raogrimm reactivated the crystals. His true role unknown, he disguised himself as the Archduke of Jeuno years later. With this power, he rallied his troops and prepared the first and final offensive to the north against the Shadow Lord, during the crystal war. After the Shadow Lord's first defeat, he gained the final seals and magicite needed to resurrect the Shadow Lord, unbeknownst to the people of Vana'diel. Upon the Shadow Lord's resurrection, and the revelation that he was Raogrimm, Kam'lanaut used his Zilart powers to summon the ark angels to do away with people of Vana'diel, cleanse the world, and reactivate the plan to reach paradise. He used a fake tablet to bring lightbringer out into open and steal it during a rite of succession in San'doria. This is the sword he uses in battle. Upon his defeat in ROTZ, he asks his brother for help, who laughs.

Karaha-Baruha Show Images
The genius Minister of Opistery. Before the time of the Crystal War, he investigated summoning. He organized a plan to explore the ancient secrets of the Tarutaru in the Horotoro Ruins, and asked Zonpa-Zippa for control of the Ace Cardians to do this. Under his direction, he had the four Ace Cardians build Joker, a super strong Cardian, and bound his life force to it. While in the ruins, he saw Fenrir and received a vision of Windurst in ruin. He later built a secret Ministry of Animastery in the canals under Windurst. He and the Star Sybil, who was with him when he received his vision, hatched a plan to try and avert this premonition, althought Karaha-Baruha secretly made his own agenda to suck the life force out of Fenrir. He and Fenrir disappeared when this happened and was never seen again. Until much later, at the battle of Odin's Gate in Windurst in the middle of the Crystal War. He rode in on Fenrir, beat the Shadow Lord's forces back, then vanished forever. Today he is thought to be a great hero. Secretly, he is the pupeeteer siphoning the souls of avatars. He must be defeated to gain the Summoner's artifact armor.

Karst Show Images
President of Bastok after the Crystal War. He rose to power after helping in the reconstruction of Bastok after a fire that nearly wiped out the town. He is responsible for taking the city from wood buildings to industry. When it was revealed that the Talekeeper of the Galak was back, he dispatched the Mythril Musketeers, fearing a rebellion.

Kirin Show Images
A "god" manticore that appears when you use the seals of the other four "gods". He can summon weaker versions of the other "gods" to help him in battle.

Kohlo-Lakolo Show Images
Tarutaru leader of star onion brigade. He seeks help for those who need it.

Koru-Moru Show Images
Tarutaru involved in the side quest for the Summoner's artifact armor.

Kyume-Romeh Show Images
Tarutaru reporter who overhears the triplets quest for their father. He is chased by Honoi-Gumoi to make sure the story doesn't get published.

Leodarion Show Images
Adopted Elvaan son of Mitsunari.

Lion Show Images
One of the three heroes. She is the (adopted) daughter of Gilgamesh, the pirate king of Norg. She acted as a scout for Aldo and Gilgamesh to gain knowledge on the kingdoms to aid in their smuggling. After the Crystal War, she used her skills to investigate rumors and activities of the beastmen. At the end of Rise of the Zilart, she sacrifices herself by throwing herself at the crystal in order to prevent Eald'narche from unleashing another Meltdown on Vana'diel.

Louverance Show Images
Knight of Mistalle who plays a minor role in Chains of Promathia. There are actually two Louverances. The man the player knows as Louverance is Atarefaunt, a former brigand who is using his alias to threaten Count Tuelomme, who sent bounty hunters after him. The real Louverance pursues the fake one to clear his name.

Lucius Show Images
The president's aide. He is trying to decide the next leader of the Mythril Musketeers.

Lungo-Nango Show Images
A Tarutaru beastmaster. He led an army to defeat the Elvaan tribes of San'doria, and created the title of Warlock Warlord. Following his victories, Windurst parliament accused him of insubordination and he disappeared from the public eye.

Maat Show Images
An old hume, private trainer of the Archduke of Jeuno (Kam'lanaut). Considered the perfect fighter, since he is a master of all jobs and skills. He challenges adventurers with difficult quests.

Pseudonym of Emeline.

Mayer Show Images
The first president of Bastok. He stowed away on a ship to Bastok lands during the gold rush. This is where he gained the nickname "Ironman Mayer" for his tireless mining. He fought against the San'dorian army after his wife was killed and became a hero for a brilliant strategem. As a leader he formed trading policies and diplomatic relations with other nations, making Bastok a crossroads of the world. He was assassinated after nine years of rule by a Galkan youth.

Real name of Shikaree Z.

Mildaurion, Cardinal Show Images
The alias of Eshan'tarl. She taught that in order to enter paradise, one must abandon all truth. She stopped the Sacrarium from completing its task of bringing Altana to the world. She attempted to heal the land by uniting the crystals where the gods sleep.

Mitsunari Show Images
Master of locks. Created the box Ryoma wants. Deceased.

Monberaux, Doctor Show Images
Elvaan. Childhood friend of Wolfgang. He plays a minor role in the events of Chains of Promathia.

Muchavatte Show Images
Current Papsque of San'doria.

Nag'Molada Show Images
The chief envoy from Jeuno. He wears Zilart clothing and a strange eyepiece. He was a Kuluu 10,000 years ago, and longed to become a Zilart. Through the meltdown he was forced into the future. He is the key player in the events of Chains of Promathia. His plot is to find and kill Selh'tus, the mysterious dark boy, and kill him so that Promathia might be unchained. When this happened, he asked Promathia for the secret of creation and the Twilight God absorbed him.

Naji Show Images
A male hume, one of the Mythril Musketeers. Grandson of Phara. He competes with Ayame and Iron Eater to be leader. There are rumors in Vana'diel that he has feelings for Ayame. His role is liason between the senators and townsfolk.

Nana Mihgo Show Images
A Tarutaru cat burglar. She stole the book of magic, unaware of what it was, and sold it to Ajido-Marujido. Her antics are known throughout the world.

Oggbi Show Images
An aging alcoholic Galkan monk. Former teacher of Cornelia (I). He is involved in the side quest for the Monk's artifact armor.

Perih Vashai Show Images
A Mithra chieftaness and former Sinhunter. She gave up the use of her eyes to see better. She retaliated against the cardinal.

Phara Show Images
An old woman in the Bastok mines. She is involved in the side quest for the Warrior's artifact armor.

Pheimociel Show Images
A Jeuno guard.

Phoenix Show Images
One of the avatars, the bird of resurrection. It lives in Tenzen's sword and gives Tenzen a vision of when the Zilart battled avatars.

Piejue, Prince Show Images
San'dorian prince, son of King Destin. He heads the temple forces, and studied under the Papsque. He is known as a talker, and doesn't take action.

Povall Show Images
A Galkan boy deemed the new Talekeeper. His claims were later disproved by Iron Eater.

Prishe Show Images
Leader of the Tavnazian safehold. Known as the "Abhorrent One", she is known for being brutally honest, but has unequalled intelligence. Childhood friend of Ulmia, although she remains a child-like figure. She explains that a darkness is plaguing the land, and is the central hero in Chains of Promathia. She was discovered to be the Keeper of the Apocalypse, through which Promathia may be reborn. When undergoing this rite, a freak accident prevented its completion, causing her immortality and embedded the dark magicite in her chest. She wears an amulet that, unbeknownst to anyone, is one of the amulets the Zilart made the Kuluu wear to control them, given to her by the Cardinal. Her child-life figure is later revealed to be the result of her immortality, brought on by the Star of Tavnazia, which was later found to be the Eye of Altana, through which the Zilart King could know the thoughts of the Kuluu. After Promathia was defeated, her mortality returned.

Promathia Show Images
Also known as the Lord of Chaos. Another god, possibly on par with Altana, who bound in chains for some reason. There are two possible origins - 1) At the time of Vana'diel's creation, He created the ark angels, which represent darkest attributes of the five races. He also created beastmen to challenge the people of Vana'diel, to make sure they would never open the path to the gods. He cursed the ancients (assumably the Zilart) and thusly, the people of Vana'diel, for attempting to open the gates of paradise. This curse is the emptiness inside them, and their division amongst each other. Ancient lore and several prominent figures in Chains of Promathia say the only way Vana'diel people can rid themselves of curse is to forget about the curse. 2) When the Emptiness, the absolute manifestation of death, threatened His life, Altana took the Mother Crystal and split it into five parts. This changed the realm of the gods to Vana'diel. He was chained in the city of Al'taieu. To complete his reign, Promathia seeks his own resurrection and death, in which every sould in Vana'diel will return to Him when he dies. He uses black magicite to kill members of Northland Expedition. Through the efforts (some conscious and purposeful, some not) of those in the present day (during the Chains of Promathia storyline), He is resurrected. The person most responsible for this is Nag'molada who wished the knowledge of the truth of creation. Promathia absorbed his life essence and rose to finalize his dominion, when through the efforts of Prishe, Ulmia, Sehl'teus, and others, He was defeated.

Rabntah Show Images
After learning of the Northland expedition, which included representatives from Bastok and San'doria, Windurst demanded they be included too. Rabntah was the Mithra who was asked to accompany the group. She was later found mysteriously murdered, as were all other members of the Northland expedition.

Rahal Show Images
Leader of royal knights, known for his adherance to military code. Involved in the side quest for the Dragoon's artifact armor.

Raibaht Show Images
Cid's Galkan assistant.

Rainemard Show Images
A trapped spirit. Ally of General Curilla.

Raigegue, King Show Images
One of the two rulers at the time of San'doria's fall. Brother of Prince Fellenant. He was militaristic, and formed the Royal Knights.

Raogrimm Show Images
A Talekeeper of the Galka who accompanied Ulrich and Cornelia on the Northland expedition. He was also a member of the Mythril Musketeers (Bastok army), but in name only, as he detested the way beastmen were treated by the group. While on the Northland expedition, he was unexpectedly attacked by his ally Ulrich over his relationship with Cornelia. As she died in his arms, he let out a roar, and that was the last anyone heard of him. Wandering around lost, he found and tapped into the power of the crystals, thus awkening Eald'narche and Kam'lanaut, the Zilart princes. They made him become the Shadow Lord and used him to continue their plan to enter paradise.

Rochefogne Show Images
A mysterious Elvaan who was later revealed to be the brother of the deceased Queen Destin. During the battle of Tavnazia, he was the one charged with carrying Lightbringer as he and the royal family fled in the tunnels. This was the actual cause of the separation of Tavnazia from the main continent. He wound up unconscious on the shores and spent the remainder of his life looking for it. After it was found again, he left San'doria in search of redemption.

Ryoma Show Images
A bigwig of Norg. Involved in the side quest for the Ninja's artifact armor, and wants a box.

Seiryu Show Images
A "god" wyvern that appears when you trade the Gem of the East and a Springstone.

Selh'Tus Show Images
He is the mysterious boy everyone is seeking in Chains of Promathia. He is linked to the emptiness spreading through Vana'diel. He is the boy who made a pact with Bahamut many years ago to wage war on the Zilart. He is the real Keeper of the Apocalypse, and thus, Nag'molada needs to kill him to realize his dreams. He assists Prishe with his spear to kill Promathia.

Semih Lafihna Show Images
Mithra head of the Star Sybil's guards, she is considered the right hand of the Star Sybil. She captured Ajido-Marujido after his secret meeting with Yagudo. Later discovered the nature of Karaha-Baruha's current state, that part of his life force was in Joker, but a larger part was in Fenrir, and that the mysterious figure shown to Ajido-Marujido was the Fenrir/Karuha-Baruha combination.

Shadow Lord [VILLAIN] Show Images
The lord of the beastmen. From an obsidian throne in Xarcabard, he gathered the alliance of most of the beastmen races and attacked the three nations. This began the Crystal War. He was defeated by the shadow knight, Zeid, although Volker took the credit. Through a conspiracy between the beastmen and the Archduke of Jeuno, the Shadow Lord was reborn. After his second defeat by Zeid, the Shadow Lord was revealed to be Raogrimm. It was found that he gave his soul to the dark forces of Vana'diel if he could have revenge for Cornelia. Raogrimm found the Zilart princes in Delkfutt Tower and granted his wish, changing him unwillingly into the Shadow Lord. Angry at being used by Kam'lanaut, he sacrificed himself to save his friend Zeid as he and the other heroes fled the castle. After the fight, he found himself in Dynamis, the dream world, where he finds the other members of the Northland expedition. They pledge to stay with him and he is finally reunited with Cornelia. However, Raogrimm will not be free of Shadow Lord's control until Vana'diel is united and the hatred is gone.

Shantotto, Professor Show Images
Wacky professor of the Tarutaru. She is known for his role in the Ajido-Marujido situation and helped Apururu clear her brother's name. Known for making fun of people, having an outrageous laughter and attitude. Some consider her a "super" mage, but she has a tendency not to be able to control her own magic. Many people have different reactions to her.

Shikaree Z Show Images
Mithra who attacks Prishe. Ally of Cardinal Mildaurion. She fights alongside the heroes of Chains of Promathia, then retires from the Sinhunters.

Smilebringer Show Images
A figure of the starlight celebration. He/she brought gifts to good boys and girls on holidays, and may have been a goblin.

Sueleen Show Images
Guard friend of Prishe.

Suzaku Show Images
A "god" bird that appears when you trade the Gem of the South and a Summerstone.

Tenzen Show Images
A samurai from an unknown empire who comes to Vana'diel to do what he can to stop the emptiness and Promathia. He discovers his sword is the Phoenix flame, which shakes to warn of danger. He receives a vision of the fight between the Zilart and the avatars. Near the end he mistakenly fights against those seeking to destroy Promathia, thinking it will end the world. After Promathia is defeated, he apologizes for his actions and returns to his empire.

Tosuka-Parika Show Images
Part of Minstery of Opistery. The Chebukki triplets thought he was their father, but this was disproved.

Trion, Prince Show Images
San'dorian prince, son of King Destin. He is involved in the side quest for red mage artifact armor, and orders you to go to crawlers nest. As a ruler, he is seen as overly aggressive, and not a good leader.

Tukuku Show Images
The star sybil at dawn of the age of magic. She was blessed with powerful magic at a young age. When she was chosen to be the next Star Sybil, no one attended her rite of ascension. The magic power the Tarutaru had just gained plunged them into conflicts amongst each other. Tukuku appeared at a battle site and cast a powerful spell, making both sides pay attention. After three days and nights of negotiations, she united her people under the Federation of Windurst. Unfortunately, she died shortly after.

Tzee Xicu the Magnificent Show Images
Supreme Priestess of the Yagudo. She appears in the higher parts of the Castle Oztroja. She can use summons and their "Astral Flows" (their most powerful abilities).

Ulmia Show Images
Granddaughter of Despachiaire. Childhood friend and caretaker of Prishe. She carries a torch for the Tavnazian choir, which she was initially rejected from. Now she is seen as one of the most beautiful singers of Tavnazia, and is the last living member of the choir. While searching for the missing Prishe, she travels the world, meeting characters like Aldo and Tenzen.

Ulrich Show Images
An elite hume musketeer who was sent on a mission to explore the Northlands. The female monk Cornelia was sent with. Ulrich was angered over the hume woman's affection for a Galka named Raogrimm and not himself. Once in the north, he split the party, taking only Raogrimm with him, plotting to kill him. Neither of them noticed Cornelia follow them. Ulrich engaged Raogrimm in combat, and when Ulrich thrust the final blow, Cornelia jumped in front, taking the blade into herself instead. Ulrich walked away with Raogrimm mourning over her. He later returned to the rest of the party and explained Raogrimm and Cornelia fell off a cliff and were killed. He was later found mysteriously murdered, as were all other members of the Northland expedition.

Verena Show Images
The other sister of Aldo. She has the unique abilty to communicate with animals and beastmen, especially goblins. In Rise of the Zilart, she disappeared. Later, we find her being used by Eald'narche in activating the Delkfutt reactor. After the events of Rise of the Zilart, she receives a vision that Lion may be alive.

Vijortal Caphieux Show Images
A royal knight loyal to King Raigegue and vehemently anti-bastok. Raigegue told him to join the temple knights to uncover his brother's plot, then assassinate him. However, Caphieux turned against his king and saved Fellenant, but was mortally wounded in the process.

Volker Show Images
Nephew of Ulrich, leader of the Mythril Musketeers. He led the final attack on Xarcabard in the airship "First Ship" and stormed the Castle Zvahl with five heroes of the five races. He is known to the people as the hero that defeated the Shadow Lord. However, Zeid struck the final blow, and Volker took the credit. Later, he was dispatched to watch over the situation in Bastok concerning the return of the Talekeeper. When he received a letter from Zeid revealing the shameful truth about Ulrich and Cornelia, he returned to the castle and fought Zeid to a standstill. They parted ways and he returned to Bastok to find no ill will beared towards him.

Vukki-Chebukku Show Images
Father of Chebukki triplets.

War Cloud
Alias of Zeid, a friend and aid to Raogrimm.

Werei Show Images
A friend of Gumbah, who was apparently lost on his Journey of Rebirth. He wrote a letter telling Gumbah that he was the new Talekeeper. He succeeded in being reborn, but had no memories of his friend.

Wolfgang Show Images
Hume general of the Duchy Army. He is sent to investigate the shattering of crystals at the crags. Also dispatched to attack Bahamut's wyrms. Childhood friend of Dr. Monberaux.

Yomi Show Images
Dead wife of Ensetsu.

Yoran-Oran Show Images
A Tarutaru villager. The Chebukki triplets thought he was their father, but this was disproved. He has been to Tavnazia once to examine an artifact.

Yve'Noile Show Images
Gatekeeper of the dawn maidens. She conspired with Graviton to bring about the destruction of the Zilart. Her "afterlife" allows her to exist immortally, and she continues to assist/interfere with important events. She helped Zeid find the Curelean crystal, the event which starts the Chains of Promathia storyline, and shows herself to Eald'narche in his final hours, telling him that his efforts are futile.

Za'Dha Adamantking Show Images
King of the Quadav. He rests in the inner part of Beadeaux, the Qulun Dome. He is a white mage and can use "benediction" to recover all his HP.

Zeid Show Images
A Galkan dark knight. As a dark knight, he wanders the land, holding no allegiance to anyone but himself, and plays a significant role in most of the events that shape the current state of Vana'diel. He was a former Mythril Musketeer, but left for unknown reasons. His position is yet to be filled. The first time he fought the Shadow Lord and won, he was known as War Cloud. He faced the Shadow Lord again upon his resurrection and defeated him. When he revealed to Volker the truth about Ulrich and Cornelia, the two of them fought to a standstill in the tallest tower of Castle Zvahl. They parted ways, neither opponent claiming victory. In Rise of the Zilart, he strikes final blow unto Eald'narche. He later instigated the events of the Chains of Promathia storyline when he went on a quest to retrieve multicolored crystals from ancient Zilart headstones. This would form a seal in the ruins of Galkan homelands to grant access to all domains of the Zilart. With Yve'noile's help, he managed to unlock the powers of curelean crystal.

Zilart King Show Images
Name unknown. He created the amulets worn by Kuluu to monitor their thoughts and force them into slavery.

Zonpa-Zippa Show Images
Tarutaru responsible for creating the cardians. When he found the many Cardians difficult to manage, he created four "Ace" cardians. With this innovation, he became a hero of Tarutaru. Before start of crystal war, he was kidnapped in a plot by the Ace Cardians to resurrect Joker.