mon·ster / n. 1. Frightening imaginary creature. 2. Cruel or wicked person. 3. Large, usu. ugly or misshapen, animal or thing. [L monstrum fr. monere warn]

Ever since Final Fantasy I, there have been recurring monsters appearing in the series. Just seeing these familiar faces reminds you that you're part of a great series. Everything from bats, wolves, and cats to dragons, doors, and cacti have been an enemy in Final Fantasy. This page features the most unique, imaginative, and legendary creatures of Squaresoft's mind. Each entry includes all known palette swaps of that character with English and Japanese translations. (NOTE: spelling differences, such as Sahagin (NA) and Sahuagin (JP) were not noted, just different names).

This page also includes the ultimate bosses of the Final Fantasy games. Legendary villains like Sephiroth and Kefka (and not so legendary like Necron) are listed here, as well as optional bosses, like Ultima Weapon.

Bosses And Optional Bosses

In almost every game, there is at least one enemy, optionally fought (not randomly encountered), as strong as the final boss, if not stronger. This adds to the replay value of the game and a challenge to the player. FF10 actually has a whole arena where optional bosses can be fought.