FF Tactics Jobs

NAME: Archer
OVERVIEW: See Archer.

NAME: Bard

NAME: Calculator
OVERVIEW: This class is known as one of the more effective in battle, due to its ability to affect many units without charge time or MP cost.
WEAPONS: Stick, Dictionary
Math Skill:
  • CT - Math skill to calculate CT
  • Level - Math skill to calculate Level
  • Exp - Math skill to calculate Exp
  • Height - Math skill to calculate height
  • Prime Number - Math skill that guides selected item in a random prime number 1-100
  • 5 - Math skill that guides selected item in multiples of 5
  • 4 - Math skill that guides selected item in multiples of 4
  • 3 - Math skill that guides selected item in multiples of 3
    Reaction Abilities: Distribute (share excess HP with allies when HP is maxed), Damage Split (shift damage received to enemy)
    Support Abilities: Gained Exp Up
    Move Abilities: Move-Get Exp, Move-Get JP
  • ATTRIBUTES: Low evasion, low speed

    NAME: Chemist
    OVERVIEW: See Chemist.

    NAME: Dancer
    OVERVIEW: See Dancer.

    NAME: Dark Knight
    OVERVIEW: A knight of darkness who absorbs HP and MP. Gafgarion's job.
    WEAPONS: Sword
    Dark Sword:
  • Dark Sword - Absorb MP
  • Night Sword - Absorb HP
    Reaction Abilities: None
    Support Abilities: None
    Move Abilities: None
  • ATTRIBUTES: High evasion

    NAME: Divine Knight
    OVERVIEW: A knight of divinity who specializes in breaking opponent's equipment with 100% accuracy, dealing quite a bit of damage as well. Meliadoul's job.
    WEAPONS: Sword, Knight Sword, Crossbow, Spear
    Mighty Sword:
  • Shellbust Stab - Damage and destroy target's armor with 100% success rate
  • Blastar Punch - Damage and destroy target's helmet with 100% success rate
  • Hellcry Punch - Damage and destroy target's weapon with 100% success rate
  • Icewolf Bite - Damage and destroy target's accessory with 100% success rate
    Reaction Abilities: None
    Support Abilities: None
    Move Abilities: None
  • ATTRIBUTES: High evasion

    NAME: Dragoner
    OVERVIEW: The Dragoner looks like a human, but is really a dragon and has many powers related to this. It cannot equip armor. Reis's job.
    WEAPONS: Fists, Bag
  • Ice Bracelet - Attack with arctic breath
  • Fire Bracelet - Attack with fire breath
  • Thunder Bracelet - Attack with lightning breath
  • Dragon Tame - Charm a dragon and gain him as an ally
  • Dragon Care - Sacrifice own HP to restore ally's HP and remove status effects
  • Dragon PowerUp - Raise Brave, Speed, Attack Power, Magic Power with dragon energy
  • Dragon PowerUp - Raise CT and AT to decrease time between turns
  • Holy Bracelet - Attack with holy breath
    Reaction Abilities: None
    Support Abilities: None
    Move Abilities: None
  • ATTRIBUTES: High evasion

    NAME: Engineer
    OVERVIEW: Similar to FFTA's Archer in that it can target parts of the body to cause damage and status effects. Not related to FF4 Cid. Mustadio's job.
    WEAPONS: Gun
    SEE ALSO: Gunner
  • Leg Aim - Damage an enemy's legs, preventing his/her movement
  • Arm Aim - Damage an enemy's legs, preventing his/her ability to cast spells or use weapons
  • Seal Evil - Cast Stone on undead
    Reaction Abilities: None
    Support Abilities: None
    Move Abilities: None
  • ATTRIBUTES: High evasion

    NAME: Geomancer
    OVERVIEW: See Geomancer.

    NAME: Heaven Knight
    OVERVIEW: Not all that useful as spells trigger randomly in a range. Rafa's job.
    WEAPONS: Staff, Stick
  • Heaven Bolt - Attack with lightning at random within attack range
  • Asura - Attack with fire at random within attack range
  • Diamond Sword - Attack with wind at random within attack range
  • Hydragon Pit - Attack with water at random within attack range
  • Space Storage - Attack with Blind, Confuse, Silence, Frog, Poison, Slow, and Sleep at random within attack range
  • Sky Demon - Attack with earth at random within attack range
    Reaction Abilities: None
    Support Abilities: None
    Move Abilities: None

    NAME: Hell Knight
    OVERVIEW: Not all that useful as spells trigger randomly in a range. Malak's job.
    WEAPONS: Staff, Stick
  • Heaven Bolt Back - Attack with lightning at random within attack range
  • Asura Back - Attack with fire at random within attack range
  • Diamond Sword Back - Attack with wind at random within attack range
  • Hydragon Pit Back - Attack with water at random within attack range
  • Space Storage Back - Attack with Blind, Confuse, Silence, Frog, Poison, Slow, and Sleep at random within attack range
  • Sky Demon Back - Attack with earth at random within attack range
    Reaction Abilities: None
    Support Abilities: None
    Move Abilities: None

    NAME: Holy Knight
    OVERVIEW: The opposite of the Dark Knight, damages with holy elemental power. Agrias's and Delita's job.
    WEAPONS: Sword, Knight Sword
    Holy Sword:
  • Stasis Sword - Holy-elemental damage
  • Split Punch - Holy-elemental damage
  • Crush Punch - Holy-elemental damage
  • Lightning Stab - Lightning-elemental damage
  • Holy Explosion - Holy-elemental damage
    Reaction Abilities: None
    Support Abilities: None
    Move Abilities: None
  • ATTRIBUTES: High evasion

    NAME: Holy Swordsman
    OVERVIEW: Combines abilities of the Dark Knight, Divine Knight, and Holy Knight. One of the most powerful jobs in the game. Orlandu's job.
    WEAPONS: Ninja Sword, Sword, Knight Sword, Katana
    Holy Sword:
  • Stasis Sword - Holy-elemental damage
  • Split Punch - Holy-elemental damage
  • Crush Punch - Holy-elemental damage
  • Lightning Stab - Lightning-elemental damage
  • Holy Explosion - Holy-elemental damage
  • Shellbust Stab - Damage and destroy target's armor with 100% success rate
  • Blastar Punch - Damage and destroy target's helmet with 100% success rate
  • Hellcry Punch - Damage and destroy target's weapon with 100% success rate
  • Icewolf Bite - Damage and destroy target's accessory with 100% success rate
  • Dark Sword - Absorb MP
  • Night Sword - Absorb HP
    Reaction Abilities: None
    Support Abilities: None
    Move Abilities: None
  • ATTRIBUTES: High evasion

    NAME: Lancer
    OVERVIEW: See Dragoon.

    NAME: Knight
    OVERVIEW: See Knight.

    NAME: Mediator
    OVERVIEW: See Beastmaster.

    NAME: Mime
    OVERVIEW: See Mime.

    NAME: Monk
    OVERVIEW: See Monk.

    NAME: Ninja
    OVERVIEW: See Ninja.

    NAME: Oracle
    OVERVIEW: An excellent support class with its status magic, but not a sufficient damage-dealer.
    WEAPONS: Stick, Rod, Staff, Dictionary
    Yin-Yang Magic:
  • Blind - Inflict Blind on enemy
  • Spell Absorb - Drain MP from enemy
  • Life Drain - Drain HP from enemy
  • Pray Faith - Increase Faith
  • Doubt Faith - Decrease Faith of target
  • Zombie - Cast Zombie on target
  • Silence Song - Inflict Silence on target
  • Blind Rage - Inflict Berserk on target
  • Foxbird - Lower brave level of target
  • Confusion Song - Inflict Confuse on target
  • Dispel Magic - Cancel positive status effect
  • Paralyze - Inflict Paralysis on target
  • Sleep - Inflict Sleep on target
  • Petrify - Inflict Stone on target
    Reaction Abilities: Absorb Used MP - Restore MP by same amount used by enemy
    Support Abilities: Defense Up
    Move Abilities: Any Weather (walk over swamps, marshes, poison marshes), Move-MP Up
  • ATTRIBUTES: High evasion

    NAME: Priest
    OVERVIEW: See White Mage.

    NAME: Samurai
    OVERVIEW: See Samurai.

    NAME: Soldier
    OVERVIEW: A damage-dealing class that only becomes effective if the Materia Blade is equipped. Cloud's job.
    WEAPONS: Sword, Knight Sword
  • Braver - Damage enemy with samurai spirit
  • Cross-Slash - Slash four times at single enemy, causing damage
  • Blade Beam - Damage enemy, more damage according to damage sustained
  • Climhazzard - Damage enemy, more damage according to damage sustained by enemy
  • Meteorain - Unleash meteors on all enemies
  • Finish Touch - Cause abnormal status on enemy
  • Omnislash - Ultimate limit skill
  • Cherry Blossom - Ultimate limit skill
    Reaction Abilities: None
    Support Abilities: None
    Move Abilities: None
  • ATTRIBUTES: High evasion

    NAME: Squire
    OVERVIEW: See Fighter.

    NAME: Summoner
    OVERVIEW: See Summoner.

    NAME: Temple Knight
    OVERVIEW: A combination of Oracle and Knight, making a physical fighter with status attacks. Beowulf's job.
    WEAPONS: Knife, Sword, Knight Sword
    Magic Sword:
  • Blind - Cause damage and inflict Blind on target
  • Aspel - Drain MP from target
  • Drain - Drain HP from target
  • Faith - Increase Faith
  • Innocent - Cause damage and inflict Innocent on target
  • Zombie - Cause damage and inflict Zombie on target
  • Silence - Cause damage and inflict Silence on target
  • Berserk - Cause damage and inflict Berserk on target
  • Chicken - Cause damage and lower target's Brave level
  • Confuse - Cause damage and inflict Confuse on target
  • Despair - Cause damage and cancel positive status effects
  • Don't Act - Cause damage and inflict Don't Act on target
  • Sleep - Cause damage and inflict Sleep on target
  • Break - Cause damage and inflict Stone on target
  • Shock! - Cause damage according to damage received
    Reaction Abilities: None
    Support Abilities: None
    Move Abilities: None

    NAME: Thief
    OVERVIEW: See Thief.

    NAME: Time Mage
    OVERVIEW: See Time Mage.

    NAME: Wizard
    OVERVIEW: See Black Mage.